Adrian Sipos: 'Our defense is getting better!'

Telekom Veszprem - Nexe 30:25 (14:10)
(Cupara 14 saves, Marguc 6 goals / Severec 5 goals, Radovanovic 13 saves)
Eter Albin, RK Nexe assistant coach:
I would like to congratulate Veszprém on their win, we played against such a good team, and wish all the best for them in Zadar at the Final 4.
Mihailo Radovanovic, Nexe player:
I would like to congratulate both teams. We fought well, but made many mistakes. But, against such a good team like Veszprém it is normal. I wish good luck to Veszprém at the Final 4 in Zadar.
Momir Ilic, Telekom Veszprem head coach:
I would like to congratulate RK Nexe. They were good and never gave up. Also, we were good; they pushed us a lot. I am satisfied with our improvement over the last few days. It was almost completely different from our first match in Nasice. We have to improve a lot of things, but at least we are going to Zadar, into the Semi-Final. It was our first match in Veszprém Aréna, so it was a pleasure to play and win here.
Adrian Sipos, Telekom Veszprem player:
I would like to congratulate the opponents from Nasice. I am very happy that we were able to win both games. I am glad that our defense is getting better and I hope that we will be in better form as time goes by.