Gintaras Savukinas: 'Guys remained patient and finished the match'

Motor Zaporozhye - Tatran Presov 29:19 (12:12)
(Kravchenko 4 goals, Dontsov 4 goals / Colodetti 11 saves, Recicar 6 goals)
Slavko Goluza, Tatran Presov coach:
Well-deserved win for Motor in the end, I wish them all the best on the final tournament. We were quite limited in these two matches, had strength for only the first half. Goal was however to fight until the end despite of everything and I have to say it really is a pity the end result is as it is.
Oleksandr Radchenko, Tatran Presov player:
I’d like to congratulate Motor on reaching the final tournament. We’ve given our best, tried to deliver the best possible resistance for as long as we’ve had strength. I hope the fans enjoyed these two matches.
Gintaras Savukinas, Motor Zaporozhye coach:
Scenario today was quite similar to the one from the first leg. I feel like their goalkeeper was really good being one of the biggest reasons why things were completely levelled in the first. I’d like to congratulate my guys on remaining patient and finishing the match off the right way both yesterday and today. I believe these two matches showed us what should be our focus on preparing for the final tournament. Congrats to Tatran on a good performance and to my players on two victories of course.
Zakhar Denisov, Motor Zaporozhye player:
We were aware of Tatran’s injury problems but these two matches showed that you can do a lot even when you don’t have your full roster available. I’d like to congratulate them on delivering a solid resistance. From tomorrow, all our thoughts will be directed towards the Final4. We need to analyze these two matches, focus on mistakes we were making and do our best to improve.