Gintaras Savukinas: "We have to draw conclusions and progress."

Motor Zaporozhye vs Nexe 36:30 (15:17)
(Ivan Maroz 15 saves, Taras Minotskiy 6 goals, Oleksandr Kasai 6 goals / Janko Kevic 6 goals, Zivan Pesic 5 goals)
Branko Tamse, Nexe coach:
Congrats to Motor on this win here today. Schedule we're dealing with is quite busy at the moment and we've lost a few players lately due to injuries which is why we weren't able to rotate as much and keep the tempo high which Motor knew how to take advantage of. I think overall it was a good match in which we unfortunately lacked strength to finish as strong as we wanted to. Best of luck to Motor.
Mihailo Radovanovic, Nexe goalkeeper:
We've both delivered a spectacular outing and I agree with our coach and the fact we lacked strength to finish strong. Motor knew how to take advantage of our mistakes eventually taking a well-deserved win.
Gintaras Savykinas, Motor Zaporozhye coach:
Challenging match for us, just as we expected. We didn't enter the match the way we should have thinking it will be easier than it eventually turned out to be. Nexe are clearly growing, they've delivered a great performance here today forcing us to run the result throughout the first half. We have to draw conclusions and progress.
Taras Minotskyi, Motor Zaporozhye player:
Good match. Thing weren't working out the way we wanted them to in the first. We've however entered the second half in a much better way sorting out problems out and eventually deciding the match in our favor.