Savukynas: "Defense was more aggressive and we managed to turn the result around"

Gintaras Savukynas, Motor coach:
It wasn't easy at all, especially in the beginning of the game when Nexe managed to open the gap. One of our most important defensive players also received a red card in the first but luckily we've managed to open the second half much better. Defense was more aggressive and we managed to turn the result around and win.
Zakhar Denysov, Motor player:
We didn't start the match the way we were supposed to but we were much better in the second eventually sealing the deal for a well-deserved win. Our defense was solid and aggressive helping us score some easy goals which was the key.
Branko Tamse, Nexe coach:
I'd like to congratulate Motor on this win and a very good season overall. We've tried to prepare in the best possible way for their game and we were doing quite well in the first. In the second half, however, we've had way too many turnovers, missed from clear looks and Motor were able to take advantage of it. I'm angry with some of my players and the way they performed today. They must be aware of the jersey they are wearing and how much it means to people. We'll have to train much harder in order to progress.
Dorian Markusic, Nexe player:
First half was really good, especially our 5-1 defense in which we were able to control their line player and score easy goals on the other side of the court. Honestly, I can't tell what happened in the second half. We fell apart, weren't able to catch the right rhythm. I think we missed a great opportunity to win at home. Congrats to Motor of course on a well-deserved win.