Jovic: “We've played a great first half“

Metalurg - Vojvodina 30:26 (21:9)
(Jaganjac 8 / Nadoveza 4, Radovic 4)
Aleksandar Jovic, Metalurg coach:
Despite of the hard situation we're dealing with here, players are giving their best on each training session and it was visible on the court today. We've played a great first half extending the gap but in the second half we slowed down.
Filip Kuzmanovski, Metalurg player:
We agreed to give our best in this match today. We have the youngest team in the league and are eager to go out there and fight.
Kasim Kamenica, Vojvodina coach:
Well-deserved win for Metalurg. They taught my players a lesson today dominating all segments of the handball game. In the second half we managed to cut their lead a bit but the difference they made in the first proved to be too big for us to fully get back into this one. However, I'm disappointed with our performance today, with the way we entered and approached this match in general. You can be sure I won't allow that in the future.
Vukasin Stojanovic, Vojvodina player:
We started the match off badly missing from clear looks and as a result we were not as comfortable as we should be in order to be able to play our best. In the second half our defense was better and we scored some easy goals. I believe that was good and that we've got to look to repeat performance like that each time we step on the court.