Boris Rojevic: "Both teams played really good today"

Nexe - Vojvodina 24:23 (15:10)
(Kevic 7, Jaganjac 6 / Pribak 5)
Boris Rojevic, Vojvodina coach:
Both teams played really good today, I think we’ve both delivered our best and I’d like to use the opportunity to congratulate Nexe on a solid performance and a well-deserved win in the end. We did have a chance to catch a point in the end but unfortunately, we failed to take advantage of it.
Nikola Kovacevic, Vojvodina player:
Nexe are definitely the strongest team we’ve played against in this first part of the season. I think we’ve in the end proved we can play against anyone.
Hrvoje Horvat, Nexe coach:
We’ve experienced certain problems in the final ten minutes of the match. My goal was to give each one of my players a chance to step out there and feel the match and in the end we’ve managed to grab two points and open SEHA season in a victorious manner.
Borna Manci Micevic, Nexe player:
We knew Vojvodina have a really good roster that won’t give up until the final whistle. In the first half, we were aggressive on the defensive side of the court but in the second we’ve kind of slowed down which almost proved to be costly.