Borac in a great atmosphere better than Partizan
Borac u sjajnoj atmosferi potopio Partizan

In a great match Borac has managed to crash all Partizan's hopes and sail towards SEHA GSS league table's middle with a clear 26:21 victory. What seemed to be impossible happened on Saturday in Borik. Borac has simply destroyed Partizan's ambitions in the first part of a match led by outstanding Mario Blazevic on their goal. In one moment it was 16:7. Ratko Nikolic has again proved himself as a great reinforcement for the team from Banja Luka and was alongside with Obradovic and Blazevic one of Borac's key players. Win means a better postion for Borac which is now positioned above NEXE and Lovcen on the table. Bad start on the other hand, meant the end of the match for the team from Belgrade.
Aleksandar Brkovic, Partizan's coach:
- I'm not satisfied with our today's performance here in Banja Luka. Borac has managed to teach us a new handball and sports lesson. Result is not real, speaking of current situations in both clubs but that's handball. We've lost the match at the beginning with Borac sailing on 4:0. I hope we'll learn something from this match, from all the mistakes we've made. I know that situation in Borac seems difficult, but Banja Luka has today showed that they must have a handball club.
Vladimir Mandic, Partizan's player:
- Thing that might have decided the match are many our new players and just a lack of quality cooperation between them. We've played too bad from the first all the way until the last minute. I'm sure we can do much better but I also have to say that Borac was on a great level today.
Jani Čop, Borac's coach:
- We haven't had a special tactic for this match but I wished for something like this to happen. Players have given their best despite of the hard situation we're all experiencing here in Banja Luka. I have to be real and say that Partizan surely hasn't showed their best side today. Atmosphere in Borik shows that Banja Luka deserves to be part of SEHA GSS league.
Branislav Obradovic, Borac's player:
- I am very happy with our today's performance and the thing that makes me even more satisfied is the biggest number of supporters in Borik in the last few years. We've expected Partizan to fight back much better due to their last few performances. Perhaps few new players and lack of their cooperation has decide the match.