CO Zagreb warming up for the second part of the season
Zagreb se dobro zagrijava za nastavak sezone

SEHA GSS's leading team and current champion CO Zagreb is slowly finishing with preparations for the second part of the league and for EHF's CL. They have played four matches winning the tournament in Istria. In semifinals they were too strong for Umag with 36:28 and in final they were better than Porec (34:29). After that they have played their CL opponent Celje in Slovenia. Match ended with a draw, 26:26, which is good for CO Zagreb after a clear loss in CL. Stevanovic with 15 saves and Matulic with 7 goals were the best in Zagreb's lines. After that they have hosted Croatian Premier league's leader Varazdin in Zagreb and won 38:32. Josip Sandrk was Zagreb's best player with 7 goals. They will play one more match as a part of preparations against NEXE in Koprivnica. Obranovic's injury is problem for Zagreb while they are waiting for Horvat, Ivic and Mandalinic to get back to the team after EC in Denmark. First match in the second part of the league for Zagreb will be the one against Partizan in Belgrade on 12. of February.