Markicevic and Beocanin new Partizan’s reinforcements

Partizan has presented two new players - former members of the team, Bozidar Markicevic (31, playmaker) and Dusan Beocanin (23, left back). Two players with international backgrounds will be usefull addition to Aleksandar Brkovic’s squad in the last part of the SEHA GSS season, but even more for the Championship race in Serbian Super liga.
- Everything can happen, even to leave the team for some new contract abroad, as we know that handball transfers are always possible, but it’s not always about the money. Partizan made the roster which will be very attractive to the European handball market and helpful for all the players, who will look for a new challenge in career after winning the Serbian titie - said Markicevic, who has played in Slovenia, Spain, Macedonia and UAE in the last 8 years since he left Belgrade.
Former junior NT player Dusan Beocanin had a lot of problems with injuries in the last couple of years, since he left Serbian team:
- I am back to the team which I love the most and feel like a second home. This is the new beginning for me after all the injuries and problems, so I want to start with the "double crown" - concluded Beocanin who played also for Hungarian PICK Szeged, Austrian Schwacz and Serbian Napredak.
Both players will have their debuts for the team at "Dragan Rankovic" memorial tournament next weekend in Belgrade.
RK Partizan has already sign Vladimir Mandic (left back), Ljubomir Jovanovic (right back) and Vladimir Vukovic (playmaker).