Zagreb catching Tatran against Borac in Borik
Zagreb protiv Borca u Boriku lovi Tatran

CO Zagreb will on Tuesday as a part of 11. round of SEHA GSS league play Borac Banja Luka in Borik hall hoping to catch current leader Tatran Presov. In the beginning of the season Zagreb managed to win dominantly 44:20 so now it is 5-0 for Zagreb in SEHA league. But things have changed, especially in Borac which now has 2 wins, at home against Vojvodina and in Belgrade against Partizan. Team was also reinforced with Nikolic's and Blazevic's transfers along with recoveries from Radenovic, Obradovic and Mikic. New coach is former Slovenian national team player Jani Cop with help from Bojan Crnomarkovic. Club's leaders are doing everything they can to bring Borac back on tracks of glory where it was is the past.
Borac has had a lot of time to prepare for Zagreb and on the other side Zagreb had a hard EHF CL match against Rhein Neckar Löwen on Saturday and is waiting for an important match against Celje next weekend.
Here is what players and coaches say about the match.
Jani Cop, Borac's coach:
- We're entering each match hoping to win. The most important thing in a match against Zagreb will be to stop their fast transition and counter attacks. We're having much problems in our roster, Haseljic has problem with his shoulder, Nikolic with his elbow, Trivundza too... This will be a great match. These two clubs are friends and I hope for a big match in front of many supporters.
Mirko Mikic, Borac's player:
- Zagreb is surely a favorite but atmosphere in our team is great. We're starting to be true team and that's what makes us stronger from day to day. I also hope supporters will come, it's always easier with them.
Boris Dvorsek, Zagreb's coach:
- Not such a good momet for this match between two hard CL matches against RNL and Celje. Borac is now much stronger than before with new coach and players but our goal stays the same. We want to win and have many fresh players like Horvat, Kaleb, Sandrk, Sebetic, Coric, Stevanovic...
Jerko Matulic, Zagreb's player:
- Borac is a good opponent, especially at home. They' re now much stronger than in September but we have to keep on winning in oredr to stay first.
Match will be played at 20:00 in Borik hall, with live-stream on SEHA GSS league's website.