Lovcen against Borac in Cetinje to avoid league's bottom
Lovćen i Borac na Cetinju za bijeg od začelja

In derby on league's bottom today (20:10) in Cetinje and live on RTCG Montenegrin champion will meet Bosnian as Lovćen hosts Borac m:tel. Interesting fact is that first this season's match against Borac was Lovcen's only win so far while Borac achieved wins at home against Vojvodina and in Belgrade against Partizan. First home match for Lovćen, in Cetinje, was the one against Zagreb and they were not able to reach points. This is their second chance and on the other side reinforced Borac is looking to totally run away from league's bottom. Important is also that both clubs have changed coaches since the season beginning. Abramovic has recently replaced Kamenica in Cetinje and Cop is now helping Crnomarkovic in Banja Luka. Here is what match's actors think of the match.
Zoran Abramovic, Lovcen's coach:
- We will host one of the strongest teams from former Yugoslavia. They have had problems with their roster at the beginning of the season but they've managed to reinforce and I believe this will be a totally different match. Defence and goalkeepers will decide winner.
Milan Popovic, Lovcen's left winger:
- Borac is much stronger than few months ago but I believe in us and think we can win.
Jani Cop, Borac's coach:
- I think we're on a good way playing better and better each match. Lovćen showed its quality and they'll surely have bigger motivation in front of their home crowd.
Ratko Nikolic, Borac's pivot:
- Atmosphere in our team is great and our form is constantly growing. After the win in Vojvodina and great match in Skopje against Vardar I believe we will get even better.