Nexe's turnaround
Preokret Našičana na Banjici

Nexe wear points on Banjica as he overcame local Partizan 30:23 .
"Black and white", despite the superiority in the first half, failed to do that materialized and after Lovcen on the shoulders down the Croatian viceschampion.
About two- thirds of the match Partizan had an advantage, an attack supported by defence of Mihailo Radovanovic, especially in the first part. Encourages with three missiles to Lelic gool by right back Nikola Potic, with the help of Andrija Djuricic forced Nexe`s coach Zdenkо Kordi to askс time-out after eight minuts.
The visitors replied with a series of 6-1 in eight minutes and the first time, through the gifted Sime Ivic shoots got the lead in the 20th minute.
"Black and white" are returned the same way, had the lead and the lead up to the moment when boys from Nasice not the bulge 5-1 defense, a long seamless Franjo Lelić started to hit. Partizan players in the absence of rotation ( in 11 minutes left without right-back Aleksandar Radovanovic ) has remained slow breath, and guests came to advantages , up to six goals as it was in the 55th minute....
Aleksandar Brković (Partizan, coach)
- I want to congratulate to deserved win and wish them to qualify for the EHF Cup Group Stage. We can’t play better from this. We played good in some parts, but as match goes to the end, our performance began to fall. We made rotation, but wings for backs or lineplayers for backs. Its extremely difficult to play in that situation, but it’s like that. I can’t critize my guys. They gave maximum. It would be strange to beat some teams at SEHA GSS. We fight as much as we can. Radovanovic and Djuricic have played youth league of local Belgrade’s Federation two months ago and now they are playing against Vardar, Nantes, Nexe. This is capacity of our team.
Zdenko Kordi (NEXE, coach)
- I always feel pleasure to play at Banjica. We have fantastic sports and human relationships with RK Partizan. I have to congratulate to my team for victory, but also home team for respectable resistance. t was a good match. Both teams have difficulties in preparation for this match because of EHF Cup matches last two weekends. You could see that in our slowdefense in the first half, but more on Partizan’s players in the second half. I am satisfied with a win.
Franjo Lelić (NEXE, right wing)
- I want to congratulate to RK Partizan on fair play. We began match bad, but we managed to fix that in the second half with stronger defense. With 5-1 defense we managed to score some easy goals. We also managed to get some advantage and to save that until the end.
Vanja Ilić (Partizan, left wing)
- I wish to congratulate to our rival, but also my team-mates for a good fight and resistance. Unlucky injury of Radovanovic at the beginning made a lot of problem to our rotation, which guests from Nasice used. We had problem with 5-1 defense in the second half. We lost match, but we fought until the end…