Vardar and Kastratović end cooperation

After three months in club, Zoran Kastratovic and Vardar end cooperation, and tomorrow versus Nexe in SEHA GSS league Andon Boskovski will lead Macedonian champion. New appointed club president Sergej Samsonenko announces "unexpected" news on press conference two days after Vardar beat Vojvodina in Novi Sad.
This week team prepares for match with PSG, in EHF CL round three.
" Since today, we would like to inform that Zoran Kastratovic is no longer head coach of Vardar. I think that Kastratovic is great coach and wonderful person, but we made the decision. Our temporary solution will be assistant Andon Boskovski, who will lead the team against Nexe, said Sergej Samsonenko.
The decision for termination of cooperation was carry shortly before the press conference when there was a meeting between the president of the club and coach, as they discussed about latest results and achievements. Kastratovic led the team to a draw with Barcelona in the EHF Champion league, and was close to positive result in Minsk versus Dinamo.
"Unplanned" lost was only versus Tatran on SRC Kale on Wednesday. However, it was evident that he has not the full support, especially as some of the fans on each match chanted the name of Veselin Vujovic, his predecessor.
- Contract was terminated at the request of the club. I have no further comments about this. For everything else you need have to ask the president of the club, briefly commented Zoran Kastratović