Reinforced Borac struggled rejuvenated Metalurg

In fourth round of SEHA GSS
league Bosnian champion Borac hosted rejuvenated Metalurg and lost 22:26.
Result is not very surprising if you know that Metalurg has played the match
without most of their important players and that some players came back in the
squad for the team from Banja Luka.
In the first half Metalurg was not able to make a bigger difference and to decide the match in the first half. Borac's new players who have come back after injury ( Obradović and Mikić ) have brought important confidence to Banja Luka, in both attack and defence.
Borac had last equaliser in the match at 36th minute after Trivundža's goal but then Metalurg's wingers from starting lineup, Manaskov and Georgievski started running the counter attacks and have made +3 goal difference in 5 minutes. Borac was until the end of the match able to hold on near rejuvenated Metalurg's team which was surely result of their best match in SEHA GSS league by now.
Pecakovski was best scorer for Metalurg in this evening's match with 9 goals and by that important fact of their game were goalkeepers Mitrevski and Mijatović who have combined for 20 saves. Trivundža scored 6 for Borac, Obradović 5.
After the match Metalurg's coach Červar was satisfied with his young team: ''I gave them chance and they really did their best in today's match. I am happy for the win but there are many things this young team can learn. It''s always great pleasure to come to a great handball city like Banja Luka.''
Igor Mandić was also happy with the win: ''We were making too many technical mistakes through the whole match, especially in the first half. In the second half our defence became harder and it lead us to some easy counter attack goals and eventually to winning the match. ''
Bojan Crnomarković, Borac's coach, was satisfied with his team's performance in spite of the loss: ''We have waited long for Obradović and Mikić as well ass goalkeeper Blažević to come back to the squad and now that they're back we're much stronger. I am also glad we had such great crowd in today's match, they were very important for us.''
Mario Blažević wasn't able to hide his happiness for coming back to his home-club: ''I believe I can help my team play on higher niveau. I would also like to say how delighted I am with our youngsters today's performance and of course with our great crowd.''
In the next round Borac will try to catch its first points in Belgrade against Partizan and Metalurg will host NEXE.