SEHA Gazprom PRESS team picks 'Best 7' for March

Schedule was not as full as it can be in March with only 7 matches which means the selection was heavily leaning on single-match achievements. Gorenje is the only team which has managed to reach two wins, Celje did not step on the court and on the other side PPD Zagreb and Izvidjac have closed the final regular season month without a point.
GoalkeeperIgor Chupryna (Tatran)Huge month for 22-year old Slovak team goalie. 16 saves against Telekom Veszprem, 15 versus PPD Zagreb, 12 against Gorenje. Series of big-time achievements.
Left wingerNiko Medved (Gorenje)Second time this year for Velenje' left winger to steal the spotlight with great matches and precise scoring. Amazing 11 goals for his team in Ljubuski.
Right wingerTomas Cip (Tatran)6 versus Gorenje, 7 against Zagreb and 8 versus Veszprem. Quality and efficiency for Presov right winger - one of their key players to be even more precise.
PivotRenato Sulic (Telekom Veszprem)Veszprem have in their only match in March managed to beat Tatran in a narrow match at home which was harder than expected. Renato Sulic is always there when his team needs him. Chupryna and Brazhnyk were great but Sulic scored 6 to cancel stunner.
Left backAnte Grbavac (Izvidjac)22-year old talent used March to keep on proving his talent with 8 goals versus Vardar and 7 against Gorenje. Standing at almost 200 centimeters, Grbavac might have a big career ahead of him.
PlaymakerIgor Karacic (Vardar)Vardar had only one match to play and it was scheduled after securing No.1 in both CL and SEHA Gazprom League. He was leading his team in style scoring 8 in Ljubuski.
Right backDainis Kristopans (Meshkov)Meshkov' only match in March was amazingly important as they needed at least a point to catch F4 place. They've however managed to reach dominant victory allowing Zagreb only 25 and scoring 31. Latvian giant - key in both ways.
CoachBorut Plaskan (Gorenje)Score of the month with two wins in two encounters. A prize for what he did since he took over as a coach in the middle of the season. Gorenje were dominating the home encounter versus Tatran and later celebrated after a big battle in Ljubuski. Plaskan introduced Potocnik and many more.