SEHA Gazprom PRESS team picks 'Best 7' for February

All 14 February SEHA matches are now over and it is time for SEHA Gazprom PRESS team to pick 'Best 7' for the month behind us. Meshkov and Vardar were dominating the competition, PPD Zagreb made a decisive step towards F4 and we also have to highlight great performances delivered by Metalurg and Celje PL. And here are the best:
GoalkeeperUrban Lesjak (Celje PL)Complete domination in February. Great form is still here as he is flying on wings on the bronze medal from WCh in France. 23 saves against Tatran, 19 against Meshkov, 11 against Zagreb...
Left wingerTimur Dibirov (Vardar)8 goals to secure the F4 ticket in Velenje and 6 against NEXE to prolong good series for League's best left winger in years behind us.
Right wingerBlaz Janc (Celje PL)5 against Tatran, 6 versus Zagreb, 7 against Meshkov. That's how good League's best scorer of the season was in February. WCh in France did not slow him down at all as he is still delivering top-class, MVP-like performances.
PivotRastko Stojkovic (Meshkov)Rasto Stojkovic is still center of the world for Meshkov. Without his good performances there are no victories and also no F4 placement. 10/11 in key match in Velenje, perfectly precise with 5 from 7-meter line.
Left backIman Jamali (Meshkov)Iranian-Hungarian international is this season proving to be a big reinforcement for Belarusian champions. In situations when they needed to win he was there to pick the team on his shoulders and push them towards a big and important victories like in Velenje.
Center backFilip Kuzmanovski (Metalurg)Although he was not coach Cervar's first pick going into the season he has managed to become a headstone player in Metalurg at only 21. Leader in matches against Zagreb and Gorenje.
Right backDavid Miklavcic (PPD Zagreb)In a situation when Sebetic got injured weight on his back became much bigger but experienced Slovenian bronze medallist was there for the young team of Zagreb. Highlight of the month was a strong role in Celje.
CoachBranko Tamse (Celje PL)Celje are playing great, recognizable handball and main reason is coach Branko Tamse. His players have in three matches in February scored 97 goals which says quite much of how imaginative and inspired they are.